In case anyone is interested and available. Please let me know if you do volunteer, and I’ll make sure there is beer in your near future…
From: Heather Lothian []
Sent: August-08-14 12:19 PM
To: Heather Lothian
Subject: 2014 ABA Casino
Importance: High
Dear Presidents of ABA-affiliated clubs:
I hope all of your are enjoying the cycling season, and things are going well for your respective clubs.
I’m writing in regard to our upcoming casino in Calgary, August 17th and 18th. To those of you who have already signed up to work a shift, a big thank-you. A substantial number of positions, however, remain to be filled at the casino. I would reckon that if each club contributed one volunteer, we would fill our remaining vacancies.
Casino fundraising constitutes substantial revenue for the Association, allowing us to continue with operations and programming at current levels.
Please have a look at the schedule/sign-up form here:
If you, or members of your club, are able to contribute one or more shifts, we would be most grateful.
Finally, all workers are entitled to a free meal at the casino. Those working a count-room shift may arrive at 11pm, and will have time to eat before the counting begins.
Also, for those travelling from outside the city, we can compensate for mileage from the casino proceeds.
-Andy Holmwood
ABA President
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