Saturday 22 September 2012

More Rides and Jersey Updates

There will be a group ride tomorrow morning at 10:00 am from the SW Corner of the Westside Church Parking lot (3939 69 Street SW).  Shack will be leading the ride and Lorraine has confirmed as well, so if you show up, you won’t be alone.


There will also be a group ride on Thursday night at 6:00 pm also leaving from the same spot.  The new Wild Rose Rye Saison launches on 25 September, and will be available for your post ride enjoyment.


For those who ordered jerseys, they are scheduled to ship on 28 September.  The final cost is $75 per jersey.  Shack will coordinate pick-up when they are here.  Please make sure you pay him at that time, as he’s funding the whole jersey adventure.  Thanks again Shack and Kelsey for getting this done. 


Finally, I’ve talked to some people recently who haven’t joined the group rides because they are worried they are too slow or not in good enough shape.  Please don’t let that stop you from coming out.  While there are some faster racing types who ride with the Draughters, we make sure group rides work for everyone.  Our whole goal is to have fun riding, then hang out afterwards over the beverage of your choice at the Taproom.


Fingers crossed for continued good weather,

